ASTRO is a final project submission for Basic Learning Web Programming class at dicoding. the submission criteria are :
<header>, <footer>, <main>, <article>, and <aside>
elements in
HTML file.
The following is a sketch of the website structure that can be used as a reference for submitting, but is not required as long as it meets the submission criteria:
For submission I chose to create a blog website named ASTRO. ASTRO use exmple layout with a little different, the different are in the main section. In the example layout in main section there is only content and aside. Below the content and aside I added comment section. On some blog websites there is a comment section that allow user to interact with website owner and another user on the blog website to discuss the posts on the blog page.
To make to comment still appear on the page even after the page refresh, I use local storage to store the comment. Every time the page load or new comment written the javascript will access the local storage and get the data then show in the web page.